Welcome to Buch&Co, the community of independent booksellers.
To tell you anything about the situation of the independent book trade would be to carry many owls to Athens - suffice it to say that rising costs for rent and energy, changing purchasing behavior, lower footfall in city centers and other factors are increasing the economic pressure.
This makes it all the more important, for example, to turn regular customers into regular customers, to be present on the Internet with a strong sales presence, to draw attention to yourself again and again with exciting promotions - we, Buch&Co, offer you a whole lot here. A lot that makes (almost) no work for you, but a lot of sense:
Together we bring more customers into your bookshop, more customers mean more sales, more sales improve your profitability and liquidity.
7 advantages in one go:
1: Efficient purchasing
The customized purchasing model with attractive discounts and conditions will quickly improve your financial situation.
2: Category Management
Customers love variety, variety makes your bookshop attractive. But the desired variety costs time and makes work for you. We do this work for you, and you save the time you gain for other things that are important to you. For example, we combine non-fiction and guidebook topics into promotions - your customers like that. And what they like is what they buy.
3: Only those who speak are heard
Communication and marketing are the be-all and end-all of every successful salesperson - easy to say, but difficult to do when the daily grind is already 12 hours long for the essentials. That's why Buch&Co supports you here too: Posters, online advertising material, newsletters, social media and more on topics and promotions and an event platform are available for you.
4: Service for the customer?
Yes, please. The customer is the focus. That's why we work with you to create a service profile for your bookshop's customers and offer them exciting added value.
5: Together you are less alone
Exchange, mutual information and inspiration - network with colleagues on our community platform: Cohesion made easy.
6: "Some education adorns the whole person",
Heinrich Heine already knew - training is more important today than ever. This is why we have developed the Buch&Co Academy training program.
7: Expert advice = good advice
The colleagues on the retailer advisory board and a team from Zeitfracht Medien continue to support and develop Buch&Co.