Information and ordering system
The bibliography is your bookshop's most important tool, because you can only sell what you successfully research. The sophisticated search options will help you to do this.
Would you like to have access to an up-to-the-minute database including an ordering system - preferably without major technical and financial outlay? This can be set up: a standard computer with Internet access is all you need.
Accurate bibliography and ordering incl.:
- Access to over 5 million articles/titles (+ cover display, additional information, contents, reading samples, etc.)
- Stock query/display time freight
- Watch lists/memory lists/literature lists
- Top titles in the product groups
- Digital theme catalogs
- Procurement database
- E-Books
- Order book
- Import electronic delivery bills
- Goods receipt function
- Notification service (SMS/e-mail)
- Address management
- Voucher service
- Title export
- Integration of VLB possible
- Support (Monday - Friday)
- Online help
- Web seminars
- Shipping service (end customer delivery)
- Unrestricted workstation licenses
- Responsive design (smartphone and tablet compatible)
Further training at the Zeitfracht Academy
More knowledge = more time
How to optimally integrate into your everyday life and adapt it to your needs: Our seminars in various formats will help you move forward.
Our web service
You can also use all the functions/benefits of via our web service.
If you would like to integrate into your merchandise management system, please contact us.
Software houses and developers registered with Zeitfracht Medien GmbH will be informed by e-mail about all important innovations and changes.
We will be happy to answer your questions about
+49 (711) 78 60 27 58