With its international business orientation, Zeitfracht Medien GmbH(Zeitfracht) stands for sustainable corporate management and has always regarded the combination of entrepreneurial action with ethical and legal principles as an essential part of its corporate philosophy.
Our commitment to sustainable corporate governance can be found in our policy statement. This emphasizes the inseparable link between entrepreneurial action and ethical and legal principles as a central component of our corporate philosophy.
The applicable business and conduct principles for both our day-to-day time freight business and for our suppliers are clearly described in our "Mitarbeiter-Code of Conduct / Code of Conduct for employees (English Version) / Kodeks Postępowania dla pracowników (Polnish Version)" and in our "Verhaltenskodex für Lieferanten / Code of Conduct for Suppliers (English Version)".
A key instrument for achieving our goals and implementing the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) is the establishment of an appropriate complaints procedure in accordance with Section 8 LkSG. The complaints procedure enables individuals and organizations to point out human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights or environmental obligations that have arisen as a result of our business activities in our own business area or in the business area of one of our suppliers. This enables us to identify human rights and environmental risks along our supply chain at an early stage and remedy violations. Details on the complaints procedure can be found in the procedural guidelines (English version) .
If you would like to submit a complaint, you can access our complaints system here. / If you would like to submit a complaint, you can access our complaints system here.