Print books on demand, not in stock
In addition to the immediate availability and topicality of titles, the biggest challenge is maintaining cultural diversity in the book market. Our print-on-demand service gives publishers and bookshops the flexibility they need. For titles whose stock production and storage is no longer economically viable, we produce on demand and just in time: namely when an order is received.
Print-on-demand offers publishers every opportunity
4 steps to more diversity on the book market
We stock physical books for retailers - supplemented by countless digital titles. Novelties, niches and future bestsellers.
A bookshop orders PoD titles. Whether one or more identical copies or many different books is irrelevant.
We produce the ordered title within two hours. Fast & reliable.
Just in time: PoD titles and conventionally stored books are fed together into the downstream logistics processes.
And there are more every day
From printing to delivery, we bundle all services under one roof.
You too can benefit from Zeitfracht's unique combination in Germany of publishing house delivery, bar assortment and book production integrated into logistics.
Your all-round solution for maximum efficiency.
Production directly in logistics and close to the actual sales figures is the most resource-efficient way of producing books. Only certified raw materials are used for print-on-demand production. Let's make book printing more sustainable together! Read our sustainability report here.
These publishers are convinced by Zeitfracht
Printing group CPI is the technology leader in digital printing
Together with our partner CPI, we are taking off in demand-oriented book printing. The printing group is one of the leading providers in the European printing market and a pioneer in digital printing. CPI was the first printing company in Europe to invest in digital inkjet printing. At our logistics site in Erfurt, the printing expert produces all PoD titles using the latest printing and binding technology.
Your most important questions about our print-on-demand service
As part of a service contract, you grant Zeitfracht the rights to print, reproduce and distribute your title for the duration of the contract. All other rights naturally remain with you. You can also withdraw these rights for individual titles from Zeitfracht at any time.
No. You can have the title listed and printed by Zeitfracht Medien GmbH as well as by any other market participant. There is no exclusive contract with Zeitfracht.
In principle, participation in our PoD process is not associated with any costs. There are therefore no "participation fees". Both data storage and the listing of titles are initially free of charge. Only when a book is produced and sold is a charge made. The printing costs depend on the annual printing volume or the number of titles listed.
Thanks to the print-on-demand process, we guarantee an optimized supply chain. This means full integration of PoD into Zeitfracht's catalog, ordering and logistics processes. When titles are recorded, the data is integrated into the leading bibliography system pcbis.de and other industry systems. This means that more than 5,500 booksellers can order your title from us at any time. Each bar range title is also integrated into the customer-specific online stores.
We can print both softcover and hardcover from A6 to A4 for you.
Yes, we are also happy to produce very short print runs (print to stock) for you to use yourself and for your publishing distribution. We also offer the option of having PoD titles delivered directly to the end customer. To do this, we build an interface to your publishing house or your publisher's delivery service (dropshipment). The shipment is delivered with your invoice in your corporate design.
Our softcover production takes less than 2.5 hours. Depending on the departure of the logistical tours, we can therefore offer same-day or next-day delivery. For hardcover books, we guarantee delivery within 3-5 working days.
The print data (cover and inner part) and the metadata file are provided via access to our FTP server or alternatively via a web portal. If your print data is already available in the database of our print service provider (CPI) (e.g. from previous offset productions), no data transfer is required.
The print-on-demand process with which our books are produced by CPI at the Erfurt site is powered exclusively by green electricity. We also avoid overproduction and waste, as all books are only produced to order. There are also no transportation routes between logistics and the print shop, as this takes place in one building at the Erfurt site. This significantly reduces ourCO2 footprint. Storage space is also not required. In addition, we do not have to shrink-wrap the books.
- Annika Preil with "Annis wilde Tierabenteuer - Auf in den Dschungel!!!" Winner of this year's German Children's Book Prize - Ceremony in Cologne
- Strongly growing Print on Demand (PoD) business: Zeitfracht and CPI continue to invest in the future
- Zeitfracht Logistik Holding increases earnings and EBITDA in the first half of 2024 / Strategy adjustment and focus on core business show clear effect
The topic of print-on-demand has become very popular with many of our suppliers. With our PoD service, we make it possible to keep the backlist up to date, produce novelties risk-free, occupy niches, protect the environment and increase delivery speed.
Kay Wissendorf, Head of Print-on-Demand